Early in the 1975 summer rook term, the seniors of Six Squadron, R-Flight decided that their rooks had not really accomplished all that they possibly could in a day.  Misters Erdman (CFL), Buckholtz (CSC), and Watkin (CSTO) had completed their planning for the next day and decided to have some fun with their cheerful, even bouncy, young charges. 

Erd-Moose (as he was affectionately called by all) was talking to Bucky at the HQ end of the R-Flight hallway and, both being brainiac Chem Eng-ers, they came up with the novel, and vaguely scientific, idea to have a pit-stuffing contest.  If I remember correctly it was to prove how many people could actually fit in the lower rack.  Kerry Watkin joined them and suddenly hollered for all recruits to muster outside of Killer Killaby’s room.  For some reason Mr. McCutcheon (possibly brooding in his cabin) and Papa Fletcher (napping already no doubt) didn’t hear the call – and their end of the hallway stayed dormant. 

However, all the rest of the shiny recruit faces appeared in front of Killer’s door to see what was happening and to participate in whatever new shenanigans their leaders had dreamt up!  The First Annual Pit-Stuffing Contest had commenced:  Killer, Mackley, Lowe, McNaughton, and Raymond jumped in first; then “Hot Rod Lincoln” Bowen and Chuck from the far end of the hall bounced in.  The bunk bed was drooping in the middle – but seemed to have enough tensile strength to allow another warm-blooded recruit to join.  Bob “Mother” Thomson was hoisted into the bottom bunk, lying across the legs of the others.  The bunk held!  And we had a total of EIGHT to win the first documented pit-stuffing competition!p